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Copyright 2013, Jay Livermore Livermore Falls Chamber of Commerce     

Greater Franklin County's Worksite Wellness Roundtable

  • 13 Feb 2015
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • 111 Franklin Health Commons, FMH Chisholm Room

 Join Healthy Community Coalition (HCC) with other local businesses at a luncheon to discuss how people are improving their worksite wellness. Guest speakers Tim Davis, PA and Kathleen Hickey, MD health care providers from Franklin Community Health Network and MaineGeneral Health will present on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction: Tools for Reducing Stress at Work. Both experienced providers teach a 6-week stress reduction workshop and will be offering pieces of this course by providing their tools for everyday life management.
Americans spend a majority of their time in the workplace. HCC and partners recognize the need to address health in the workplace to help employees form healthy habits and lifestyles that will significantly influence their quality of life. Please join us to brainstorm, network, and learn how worksite wellness efforts can make your workplace and Greater Franklin County a healthier place to work.
Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by February 6th to
Heather Fellman at 207-779-2934 or

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