*Because of the service charges through paypal, we are happily accepting checks or cash at breakfast*
February 7, 2019
Breakfast Meeting
of the Jay, Livermore, Livermore Falls Chamber of Commerce LaFleur's Restaurant, 224 Main Street in Jay.
Sponsor By:
7:00 a.m. - Breakfast & Networking
7:30 a.m. - Call to Order and business meeting
8:00 a.m. - Program begins
Member In the Spotlight:
Deb Roberts- Holland Strong
Mr. Bob Berry - Practical handling of $ for small business

“Have you ever wondered why your business never turns a profit? Ever had to skip paychecks to yourself? Have you lived in fear of the IRS smiting you with an audit?
If you’re in business, then the answer to all of those, at one time or another, was yes! And it sorta sucks.
Bob Berry, CEO of Main-Land, asked some clients about what their biggest hurdles are. A surprising number said operating their business finances. Main-Land wants to help. Because you do not need to be a spreadsheet wizard to run your small business finances. If you have a product you believe in and can sell, you can make money.
Bob will be talking about the two ways a small business can successfully run their finances, turn a profit, and pay off Uncle Sam before SWAT knocks down your door.
This is not accounting. Hire a good accountant. This is practical finances for small businesses owners.
PS. If you turn a profit, you have money. If you have money, you can buy bacon.”
Subject to change.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP online or you may contact the Chamber Office by Tuesday Feb 5th, JLLF@jay-livermore-lf.org or call 500-2464.
You may use this link to register: